Alejandra and Aeron | Christmas in The Empire
MP3 | F.0000.0000
To celebrate the season of goodwill, we're happy to announce a Christmas gift from Fällt in collaboration with Alejandra and Aeron of Lucky Kitchen.
A short suite of field recordings 'Christmas in The Empire' celebrates the sounds of everyday Christmas as captured by the careful microphones of Alejandra and Aeron, Award of Distinction winners in the category Digital Musics at Prix Ars Electronica, 2002.
Christmas in The Empire 1
Shop sounds recorded in Birmingham, Michigan in a flower shop selling christmas trees, and the horse and buggy recorded in Detroit, Michigan on Woodward Avenue.
Christmas in The Empire 2
Tree decoration recorded in family home in Birmingham, Michigan.
Christmas in The Empire 3
Choir recorded in Detroit, Michigan in the theatre of the Museum of African American History, and street music recorded on Woodward Avenue at the Salvation Army Christmas sing-along.
Three distinctive sonic portraits to celebrate the season of goodwill and to wish you all a peaceful and prosperous 2004.